QuadCore® KS1000 X-Dek™ XM

60.90  per 1 m2

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  1. Istnieją ograniczenia długości produktu, o których należy pamiętać. Jeśli potrzebujesz pomocy na dowolnym etapie, daj nam znać!
Total Area (sq m)
Product Price


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High-quality panel system KS1000 X-dek (QuadCore®) for flat roofs with trapezoidal profile is intended for all building types where the roof pitch is not lower than 0.5°. The standard external coating is PVC membrane (1.2 mm), and the internal layer is polyester (PEI). Other optional coatings are available in the data sheet.

Do you have any questions? Contact us

Kristina Lelešienė
Customer service specialist
tel: +37 066 565 862
e-mail: [email protected]

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Additional information

Panel weight

Core thickness – d [mm] Metal sheet thickness
Total thickness – D [mm] Panel weight


type XD type XM type XB type XG
80 0,9 188 20,52 16,13 14,88 14,78
1,1 22,80 18,43 17,22 17,12
100 0,9 208 21,46 16,85 15,56 15,46
1,1 23,74 19,15 17,90 17,80
140 0,9 248 22,92 18,29 16,92 16,82
1,1 25,21 20,59 19,26 19,16

Available thickness range
The standard panel length is 3.0 to 13.5 m. They can be cut shorter on site. The maximum available custom length is 15 m (oversize cargo transport to the site). Please contact our Customer Service regarding longer panels.

Cut back
All X-dek panels have a factory-made cut back in the internal trapezoid sheet. The standard cut back length is 50 mm; the maximum length is 630 mm.
Always specify the cut back side in relation to roof placement when placing an order.

External shell

Galvanised steel sheet, class S350GD + Z180 or S350 + Z275 on request. Substrate for protective coats type: Substrate for protective coats type polyester, PVDF Spectrum™. The standard steel thickness is 0.9 mm, 1.1 mm on request.

External shell variants by panel type KS1000 X-DEK™

XD – 0.7 mm galvanised sheet steel, minimum class S220GD + Z275 profiled (minibox).
XM – waterproof PVC film, standard thickness 1.2 or 1.5 mm on a textile substrate. Standard light grey colour.
XG – TR27 glass fibre substrate for PVC or EPDM roofing (fastened to internal sheet or glued over the entire surface)

Insulated core

Rigid IPN closed-cell foam insulated core. The insulating foam is safe, has a zero ozone depletion potential, and contains no CFC/HCFC (hard or soft freons).


The long joint is factory sealed. All joints have factory-applied PE foam condensation tape.
During installation, apply butyl sealing tape to the free long corrugation and a vapour barrier seal to the cut back on the transverse joint.

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Kingspan suteikia garantiją kiekvienam projektui individualiai, atsižvelgdama ypač į aplinkos sąlygas, kuriomis plokštė bus naudojama, ir pasirinktą dangos tipą.

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Kingspan KS1000 X-dek XM (IPN)

ikona pobierzAtsisiuntimas


Delivery time: 2–4 weeks. If you need more information, contact us.

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